5 things you don’t know about Wafer Fioc

1. What is Wafer Fioc? Wafer Fioc is a complete and balanced feed for horses, with constant nutritional and energy values. It is extremely healthy...

New Equibar Hemofluid, all-natural nutrition bar for microcirculation support

Guidolin Horses is proud to introduce a new product from Equibar brand, our functional bars range formulated to support the well-being of horses. These...

Why is hay so important in feeding your pet rabbit?

Choosing a correct and balanced diet for your pet rabbit is essential in order to ensure him an easy and healthy life. High quality...

Workshop Gianni Guidolin at Fieracavalli

From 7 to 10 November we will be at Fieracavalli at stand D7 pad. 4, to introduce you to Guidolin Horses solutions for horse...

Meet&Greet with Reining Champions

Are you passionate about Reining or you know nothing about this discipline but you would like to learn more? So don't miss Fieracavalli on Saturday...

Sense of satiety of the dog: how to stimulate it?

All dog owners know when their dog is hungry or wants food and tries in every way to attract their attention to make them...


From 01 to 07 August 2016 the Municipality of Cortina and the Country Tennis Club Cortina will host the ATP CHALLENGER INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT, a...